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Oferta pracy

Senior Financial Analyst

Wroclaw, dolnośląskie, Polska Dodano: 2024-05-09 | ID oferty: 2168443

Senior Financial Analyst
NR REF.: 1185947

We are recruiting for a Senior Financial Analyst to work with our Clients39 Alternative Investment Services Department, which is responsible for the correct valuation and preparation of calculations (NAV) for hedge funds, private equity funds, real estate funds.
The Senior Financial Analyst is responsible for checking and correct valuation of funds within the team. He/She is the supervisor of the junior team members and checks that all procedures and checks are carried out in accordance with the process. The Senior Financial Analyst is also responsible for more complex and comprehensive tasks:

  • Preparation and analysis of (monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual) financial statements and their timely delivery to clients.
  • Preparing comprehensive monthly / quarterly valuations, reconciling fund disbursements, disbursements, accruals, costs, etc.
  • Preparation of cash reconciliations and management of fees for the funds and management reports.
  • Preparation and review of accounting reports by junior team members.
  • Cooperation with various external and internal parties.
  • Ensuring that all tasks are carried out in accordance with local and global procedures.
  • Manage customer inquiries and provide a high level of customer service to our external customers and business lines.
  • Supporting and training junior team members.


  • 3-5 years of experience in accounting, e.g. funds, GL, AP, RTR, OTC or audit.
  • English at B2 level (intermediate).
  • Accounting skills are essential, experience in corporate accounting, auditing or private equity firms is an asset.
  • Understanding financial markets, financial instruments and debt instruments.
  • Good knowledge of Excel and other accounting packages.
  • Detail orientation, organisational and communication skills, customer focus.

Our offer:

  • Stable employment, with a full-time employment contract.
  • Office location in the city center.
  • Comprehensive boarding and introduction program.
  • Flexible working system (hybrid).
  • Private medical package.
  • Life insurance.
  • Benefit program (e.g. multisport).
  • Reference program.
  • An extensive career path.

If you39re interested in this role, click 39apply now39 to forward an up-to-date copy of your CV.

Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361.

Kontakt w sprawie rekrutacji:

Jeżeli jesteś zainteresowana(y) ofertą pracy skontaktuj się z nami na poniższe dane. Przesyłając do nas swoje CV prosimy zawrzeć klauzule o zgodzie na przetwarzanie danych w celu rekrutacji.

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